Medical Concierge

How can I find the best Medical Provider at the best cost?
Medical Concierge – Provider Search Help Line

Horizons Research now offers a Medical Concierge. Through the Medical Concierge program you and your covered family members have access to trained professionals who understand the healthcare system. They can help you find the best Doctors, Hospitals and other medical providers based on Quality, Location and Cost and help you to use your health plan properly.

With a single phone call your Personal Medical Concierge will start by providing general information and guidance about the procedure or services you need. Then they will search for providers that meet your criteria in addition to meeting acceptable standards of various quality factors. They also review cost factors of the acceptable providers and in many cases will negotiate with the providers to obtain the best rates.

You will then receive a summary outlining their recommendations of providers based on the various factors. It is always up to you which providers you choose. However, the Medical Concierge empowers you to take control of your healthcare decisions by obtaining the best and most cost effective care.

After you decide which providers to use your Medical Concierge can also assist you in scheduling your appointments and coordination of your care with the case management and disease management services of your plan.


When should I use the Medical Concierge?

The Medical Concierge should be used anytime you have a Non-Emergency need to find a provider especially:

  • A doctor (beyond routine services)
  • A hospital and other inpatient services
  • Lab work and imaging services (to include MRI, Pet Scans, CT Scans, etc.)
  • Outpatient surgeries
  • Anytime you need help

For emergency situations you will want to find the closest providers, and if possible within your network. Then use the Medical Concierge for any follow up care.
The Medical Concierge should also be used when your doctor recommends that you have a procedure or service, even when your doctor makes a recommendation to a certain provider.